Study on Simulation for Optimal Material Selection used for Suspension System


  • Pramod Kumar, Raj Kumar


Now days, automobile industry facing mainly two issues. One of them is fuel efficiency and second one is gas regulation. Reducing the weight of vehicle can increase the fuel efficiency so, the automobile sector focused to make new vehicles that’s provided high fuel efficiency with very small cost. And the weight reduction is attaining by use superior material, optimization of design and using greater manufacturing process. In automobile, today use over 70% of iron and steel by weight. So industries shown increase interest for replacement of steel and iron parts by composite materials, because composites material have big strength as compared weight ratio, superior corrosion to resistance, good fatigue life etc.


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How to Cite

Pramod Kumar, Raj Kumar. (2023). Study on Simulation for Optimal Material Selection used for Suspension System. Eduzone: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal, 12(2), 9–16. Retrieved from