Food Culture and Lifestyle in Animea


  • Dr. Dayanand Dattatraya Ovar, Dr. Ujwala Murlidhar Katole, Dr Pooja Dubey3, Dr Neeru Kundwani


Anaemia is a major global health problem, especially in developing countries. this fundamental health issue still
has not been solved and continues to exist affecting the health, quality of life,and working capacity in billions of
people all over the world .Most cases of anaemia due to iron deficiency , which often work in symphony with
folate deficiency and for vitamin B12 deficiency as well as with infections. National programmes to control and
prevent Anaemia have not been successful experience. from other countries is controlling moderately serve
Anaemia guide to adopt long term measures i.e. fortification of food items like milk, cereal ,sugar ,salt ,with
irons .use of irons utensils in boiling milk ,cooking vegetables etc may contribute significant amount of dietary
intakes in family for receive Ayurveda was introduced to the earth so that man could enjoy a long and healthy


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How to Cite

Dr. Dayanand Dattatraya Ovar, Dr. Ujwala Murlidhar Katole, Dr Pooja Dubey3, Dr Neeru Kundwani. (2023). Food Culture and Lifestyle in Animea. Eduzone: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal, 12(2), 107–111. Retrieved from