Perceived Organizational Politics and Employee Silence: An Exploratory Study with Organizational Trust as a Mediating Factor


  • Balbir Singh, Dr. Punam Devi, Manisha, Aman Kumar Gupta


Perceived Organizational Politics, Employee Silence, Organizational Trust, Indian banking Sector


Purpose – Within organizations, various departments, teams, groups, and individuals vie for resources that are limited in availability. This competition often gives rise to organizational politics as individuals strive to achieve their objectives at any cost. Unfortunately, this is frequently perceived as a negative phenomenon by employees. Consequently, they may withhold crucial information from the organization, which can ultimately prove detrimental to its well-being. This study's goal was to investigate, in the Indian context, how employees' perceptions of organisational politics affect their propensity to remain silent, with organisational trust serving as a mediating factor


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How to Cite

Balbir Singh, Dr. Punam Devi, Manisha, Aman Kumar Gupta. (2021). Perceived Organizational Politics and Employee Silence: An Exploratory Study with Organizational Trust as a Mediating Factor. Eduzone: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal, 10(2), 119–125. Retrieved from